>Super Junior is earning lot's of love from fans who have been very supportive from the very start. Every time, ELFs are looking forward to support Super Junior's activities. Now, E.L.F's i can say are really excited for BONAMANA.
BONAMANA is the latest album for Super Junior. It's their comeback Album for 2010. Bonamana is getting lot's of love not only for E.L.F in Philippines and in Korea but also E.L.Fs around the world. why do i say that it earned lots of Love from fans?

Well, Bonamana aside from its new concept, it added more effects, new hairstyle and other new stuffs. The album was really interesting because of its mysterious effects and 21st century kind of sound. Bonamana is becoming a Trend not only in Twitter, facebook and other sites. even in fansites, People were excited to see Super Junior's comeback.
I am one of the Millions of Super Junior fans, and as a fan i really want to see and hear this new song. Super Junior Members were also excited to the release and they know the fans will love BONAMANA. On the day of its audio release, i was using my computer and waiting for the audio to come out. maybe other ELFs did that... Super Junior Member Sungmin posted the time of the release so we won't wait for long hours... **sweet.** when i heard the song. it was so catchy and even easier to memorize because of it's repetitive lyrics... ^^ and this day, May 12th 2010, released their Music Video.. it's very cool and you'll see Super Junior's New image and looks. New dancesteps and more surprising parts of it
i have read some posts telling that Super Junior fans already downloaded the song from the internet from the time of it's AUDIO release and became NUMBER 1 in just ONE HOUR. Imagine a group that can reach number one in an hour! Super Junior can. Now, Album will be released on the thirteenth.... but, fans PRE-ORDERED CD's already. the latest count was 200,000+ and still counting. BONAMANA's Music Video was viewed by almost 5,000 views in just one day!~~ i think Bonamana will be a Big hit for Super Junior. Although it is so sad to know that Super Junior sang this song without Hankyung, Kibum and KangIn. Only 10 members appeared in the Music Video and also participated on the recording of the album. But please STILL support Super Junior adn their nwe album BONAMANA.
Super Junior FIGHTING!~
<3 Samteukieangel <3
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