Shuya, Patrick in real life. He plays the role of Lee Joon of MBLAQ.
Shuya started to join covergroups when he was 15. The first group he joined was 13 SEOULS (Super Junior Covergroup) where in He was Kim Heechul. He said, That time he started to get cosplaying he didn't get any support from his family in terms of money. He supported himself while fulfilling his cosplay career. He was only 3rd year highschool but he still pursing his chosen career. During the 13Seouls days, He met his co-mblast members Raymond who was Kyuhyun that time and Nigel that was sungmin that time. These 3 knew each other since then. But then, when 13Seouls had their end stage and haitused, Shuya joined his new group called Topteens (Teentop covergroup). He was the Chunji of the group. He did well in both 13Seouls and Topteens, He showed extraordinary performanceson both groups. After topteen had their break, Raymond, Nigel and Shuya joined MBLAST (MBLAQ Covergroup).Raymond and Jop (MBLAST Leader) knew each other through BGPH and introduced them to Jop. The first role given to him was MIR (JM wasn't yet included in the group). Since shuya was real maknae among the group but upon JM joining the group, Shuya's Mir role was changed to Lee Joon. I think it was really nice that shuya is MBLAST Joon. Since then MBLAST was formed.
After the group was formed and Shuya was chosen as Lee Joon, They had the first performance in 1Esplanade last March 5, 2011. I saw him got down on the limo and silently walked towards the group and took pictures. After that, we entered the function hall and had a chance to get up close to him. I was actually staring at him and yet he's aloof with people. Out of all the mblast members I've seen, I didn't had the chance to take pictures with him. I'm about to approach him but he always leaves. One of my friend had a chance to have picture with him. After sometime, the Show started and after all lurking and fangirling, Cheers and Yells surround the place as Shuya sang his part on the stage. His performance was awesome, His stage presence is worth cheering for. He danced as Joon does and I adored the way he dance. I was like falling off my seat staring at him. His performance was really great. After the performance, He's back to the silent Shy boy I knew.
I asked the MBLAST Members who is Shuya in and out of the stage.. Here are some of what they said..
"Shuya is a great dancer. Even though he's late during practices and lazy at times, But when performance day comes.. He copes up with the group and dances more than what we expected."
"Shuya is at times, Absent during practices. But, When it comes to performance He seems like a pro.We usually hang together since then, and He's really nice."
"Shuya is sometimes just messing around during practices. He lies down to the floor during breaks but eventhough, You can expect a great performance from him."
"He's a good friend and easy to close with."
"He's happy to be with.. Even sometimes he had his shy moments."
-- He is really a good Friend Among members and a pro-like covergroup member..
What Does his FANS says about Shuya?
" I Love You Shuya!! I love your dance and you're so cute"
"You really look like sungmin oppa~ kyeoptaa.."
"BE mine!! <3 "
"Shuya was the greatest among mblast members."
"He dances like Joon and he's got the handsome face like Joon!"
-- this was just SOME of what they can say about him. Very fangirl-ish.
Lastly, I'll give you one FACT about SHUYA,
Shuya is a DONGHO-biased (UKISS). He liked dongho eversince he watched the ukiss music video of Man Man Ha Ni wherein dongho made a powerful impact on him. Shuya and Dongho have something in common. Their age, way of speaking, smiling and the way they stand are all alike.During UKISS Days, He was called DONGHO by his friends and even wanted to take shuya as cover for dongho.
Not only Dongho is shuya's look-a-like. Shuya's Face resembles like the Aegyo prince Lee Sungmin.. though during his 13Seouls days, He was Heechul.. I can say that his face like Sungmin's. His lips are like sungmin's and his eyes turnes like half moon resemble like sungmin. Even his voice, Almost the same as sungmin.
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